38 Quotes from The Maid book by Nita Prose

Hello. Here is a list of 38 quotes from The Maid book that I liked and saved while reading the book. I hope you will like them too. By the way, I am Deepak Kundu, an avid book reader, quotes collector and blogger.

The Maid Quotes

That's how a friendship is built, one small truth at a time.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

It's not your station in life that matters. It's how you conduct yourself that counts.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

A clean home, a clean body, and clean company. Do you know where that leads? To a clean conscience. To a good, clean life.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

Life is a funny thing. One day can be quite shocking, and so can the next. But the two shocks might be as different from each other as night from day, as black from white, as good from evil.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

This is the problem with friendships. Sometimes you know things you shouldn't know; sometimes you carry other people's secrets for them. And sometimes, that burden takes its toll.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

In this life, you just never know what's around the bend, be it a dead man or your next date.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

There are times in life when we must do things we don't want to. But do them we must.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

I am your maid. I know so much about you. But when it comes down to it: what is it that you know about me?

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

A well-stocked housekeeping trolley is a portable sanitation miracle; it is a clean machine on wheels.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

One must live by her own moral code, not follow like a sheep, blindly.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

I'll never understand it - why people find the truth more shocking than lies.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

I don't cut corners, I shine them.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

You can be so important, so crucial to the fabric of things and yet be entirely overlooked. It's a truth that applies to maids, and to others as well, so it seems. It's a truth that cuts close to the bone.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

In real life, the actions you take can change the results, from sad to happy, from disappointing to satisfactory, from wrong to right.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

Never ask what a gentleman did or didn't do. If he's a true gentleman, he did it with good cause. And if he's a true gentleman, he'll never tell.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

You can't judge a person by the job they do or by their station in life; you must judge a person by their actions.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

How any woman could like a hairy man is beyond me. Not that I'm prejudiced. I'm just saying that if a man I fancied was hairy, I'd get the wax out, and I'd rip the strips off him until he was clean and bare.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

The best way to feel better is by tidying up! If you feel sad, just grab a duster, Buster!

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

We're all entitled to a bad day now and again. But when they are all bad days, with no pleasant ones, then it's time to reconsider things.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

You gotta make things happen. Make what you want out of your life before it's too late.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

We must be like bamboo. We must learn to bend and flex with the wind.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

I'm a maid, not a gossip, thank you very much. I'm paid to keep my mouth shut and return rooms to a state of perfection. I pride myself on getting the job done and then disappearing without a trace.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

If I've learned anything about the way money works, it's that it magnetizes toward those born with it, leaving those who need it most without.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

A good cup of tea will cure all ills, and if it doesn't, have another.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

I don't believe that some people are more important than other people. We're all very important in our own way.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

One thing I've learned in my business is that you can hide dirt for a while, but at some point, it all comes to the surface.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

That's the trouble with pain. It's as contagious as a disease. It spreads from the person who first endured it to those who love them most. Truth isn't always the highest ideal; sometimes it must be sacrificed to stop the spread of pain to those you love.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

It is my express wish to live as ordered a life as possible. But the world is filled with random chaos that often bedevils my attempts at arrangement.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

Do not fret yourself into a tizzy. Life has a way of sorting itself out.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, it's best to say nothing at all.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

Sometimes, you must do one thing bad to do another thing good.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

If you want to know where someone's going, don't watch their mouths, watch their feet.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

Poor company is worse than none.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

Vile and evil are composed of the same letters. One begets the other.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

I've worked in kitchens all my life - big ones, small ones, family ones - and at the end of the day to see a clean counter makes the heart jump with joy.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

I think I understand what a true friend is. It isn't just someone who likes you; it's someone willing to take action on your behalf.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

The world is a better place seen through a prism of colors rather than merely in black and white. In this new world, there is room for versions and variations, for shades of gray.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

- from The Maid book by Nita Prose