Quotes about Memories

Memories aren't kept on some microchip

Memories aren't kept on some microchip in the skull or filed away in a cabinet somewhere deep in our cranium. Memories are something we reconstruct and piece together. They are fragments we manufacture to create what we think occurred or even simply hope to be true. In short, our memories are rarely accurate. They are biased reenactments. Shorter still: We all see what we want to see.

- from Win book by Harlan Coben

Memory is not a flawless recording

Memory is not a flawless recording of what actually happened. It's not a video of your experience. It's not even a photograph. It is your psychological, artistic rendering. It is more like an abstract impressionist painting of what happened than it is a pure, unfiltered depiction. And it's not fixed - the painting morphs, it fades or expands over time.

- from Will book by Will Smith