Quotes about Social Media

In the modern world, we live

In the modern world, we live in a perpetual echo chamber. Although technology has torn down some barriers, it has ended up erecting others. We friend people like us on Facebook. We follow people like us on Twitter. We read blogs and newspapers that vibrate on the same political frequency. It's easy to connect only with our tribe and disconnect from the others. Just unsubscribe, unfollow, or unfriend.

- from Think Like a Rocket Scientist book by Ozan Varol

There are days when I love

There are days when I love everything about social media, from the swift and powerful justice they can deliver to the endless stream of pictures of cupcakes decorated to look like succulents. Then there are days when I'm sure that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram exist solely to piss me off, hurt my feelings, remind me of my inadequacies, and give dangerous people a platform.

- from Braving the Wilderness book by Brené Brown